Kamis, Januari 24, 2019

Bob Marley - Buffalo soldier

Hello all

I Post this song coz i missed my late brother so much..When i was in high school, he took me to my school by car while played this song. At first i didn't like it at all, keep asking, what kinda song is it? he just smile. And now after he passed away 4 year ago, suddenly i wanna hear this song again and i cry, missed him so badly. Maybe i missed him so bad, cause today is his birthday :)

So... enjoy

January 24th, 2019

Kamis, November 16, 2017

My New Team in Photos

I just wanna post photos...


Kamis, Januari 28, 2016

Memory of "Trio Rio – New York - Rio - Tokyo" Song

Happy Birthday to Me ^_^

Entah kenapa... di hari yang menyadarkan bahwa jatah umur kita semakin berkurang... tiba-tiba ingat lagu ini... lagu yang bisa bikin joget-joget ga jelas dan senyum-senyum sendiri gitu... ahhaha....bahkan pernah ingat saat jaman dulu pas denger lagu ini, joget-joget sendiri sambil nyanyi *baca : teriak* di kamar kost an di Solo, ga sadar kalo lagi dipanggil sama ibu kost hahahah so... demi mengenang memory itu... ditulis ulang deh di blog ini.. sambil menyertakan link aslinya nya... hope yang suka enjoy... dan yang belum pernah dengar lagunya... so ateeuh cari di Youtube.com ^_^ biar bisa nyanyik bareng-bareng hehehe

In New York - Rio - Tokyo -
When I watch you dancing
I begin to feel like all romancing
All the time your hear that
sound of dancing.
In New York - Rio - Tokyo
Or any other place you see
You feel that dancing fantasy.
In New York - Rio - Tokyo
Or any other place around
That magical big city sound.
Now let's come together
get the groove allright and you'll feel better
all the time you hear that sound of dancing.
In New York - Rio- Tokyo
When you dance close to me
when I dance close to you
when we are together then you'll say
that our love is here to stay.
When I watch you dancing
I begin to feel like all romancing
All the time you hear
That sound of dancing.
In New York - Rio - Tokyo
When you dance close to me
When I dance close to you
When we are together then you'll say
That our love is here to stay.

Trio Rio – New York - Rio - Tokyo lyrics

Jumat, Januari 15, 2016

Remind of the dead

Judulnya nyeremin ga sih? hehhehe entah kenapa setelah beberapa kali buka-buka folder foto di komputer... tergelitik untuk menyebarkannya di blog... bukannya kenapa-napa... maklum yang namanya memory komputer kan juga ga berlaku seumur hidup hehehe... yaaa mungkin aja dengan disimpan di blog macam ini... bisa dibaca suatu saat nanti... toh sebenarnya pembuatan blog ini juga untuk pribadi... menggantikan sosok buku yang ditulis dengan pena... tssaah... bahasanya...
Anyway...  mengutip kalimat fenomenal chef Farah Queen... "this is it...."

foto Ulang Tahun terakhir abangku Salis Yanuar... karena 1 bulan kemudian beliau meninggal..